Who is this guy?

(C) Fairweather Photography
Jason Turner is a philosopher. (Does that clear it up?) He received his PhD from Rutgers University in 2008 before going to work at the University of Leeds, St. Louis University, and now the University of Arizona.
He thinks a lot about metaphysics and philosophical logic, but is secretly interested in everything. Much of his recent work looks at the interaction between metaphysics and logical notions, such as existence and identity. He has also published work on modality, free will, the philosophy of religion, and the structure of mental content. He will probably continue to dabble like this until someone makes him stop.
Philosophers have long been tempted by the idea that objects and properties are abstractions from the faacts. But how is this abstraction supposed to go? The Facts in Logical Space develops a novel answer to this question: The facts are arranged in a quasi-geomrtric 'logical space', and objects and properties arise from different quasi-geometric structures in this space.
Articles and Chapters
Forthcoming in Javier Cumpa (ed.), The Question of Ontology (Oxford University Press).
Penultimate DraftForthcoming in James Miller and Rikki Bliss (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysics (Routledge, 2020): 184-195.
Penultimate Draftin David Rose (ed.), Experimental Metaphysics (Bloomsbury, 2017): 47-74.
Penultimate DraftIn Elizabeth Barnes (ed.), Current Contoversies in Metaphysics (Routledge, 2017): 24-42.
Penultimate Draftforthcoming in Robert Garcia (ed.) Substance, Springer Verlag.
Penultimate Draftin Allesandro Torza (ed.), Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers: Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language, volume 373 of the Synthese Library (Springer, 2015): 463-487.
Penultimate Draft Final Versionin Donald M. Baxter and Aaron J. Cotnoir (eds.), Composition as Identity Oxford University Press (2014): 225-243.
Penultimate DraftThought 2.3 (2013): 274-280. A reply to Skiles and Frischhut's Time, Modality, and the Unbearable Lightness of Being."
Penultimate Draft Final Versionin Karen Bennett and Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 6, Oxford University Press (2011): 1-50.
Penultimate DraftWorks in Progress
Ultrafilters as Propositional Theories
The Axiom of Choice is a Logical Truth
The Expressive Equivalence of Plural and Second-Order Logic
The Skolemization of Absolutely Everytying
Book Reviews
Graham Priest, One. Oxford University Press, 2014
Steven Yablo, Things: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2. Oxford University Press, 2010.